Incredible …

Distance (2033): 0

Steps (2023): 0

This has been the most turbulent of years.

At the worst of it, I could barely hobble 2 metres. Certainly, 3 metres was beyond me. Often, Jezabel would have to get my wheelchair to walk me into the house from the car, on our drive (less than 3 metres). At times, I resorted to crawling on hands and knees, being

the only way I could independently mobilise. I remember crawling from the car park into A&E at Dartford one time. The man on the door reacted as if this kind of thing happened every day. Perhaps it does.

And so, tomorrow, if all goes to plan, I embark on a gentle 60km coastal stroll, down Somerset way. This progress has been made possible by the wonderful staff of the Guy’s & St Thomas’s Spinal Team. They put a Cortisone injection in my spine and the miracle cure was instantaneous. Magic!

My heartfelt thanks go to Jezabel, who has supported everything I’ve done. I wold not be here but for her constant help. I also have to say thank you to the entire team at the Queen Mary’s Bexley Neuro Rehab Unit. Thoroughly professional, they are all highly motivated and have done so much to support my independence.

Cousin Penny and husband Patrick will be kindly giving me a lift to Aust, from where this little adventure begins 😜

Oh, and of course. It’s all for charity mate!

Here’s the link:

4 thoughts on “Incredible …

  1. Sebastian you are completely bonkers as always, but if I’ve learnt anything from you in the last 35+ years its that whatever you turn your hand to, and whatever the difficulties to overcome, you achieve every one plus 1000%! Stay safe & warm and I look forward to more tales over a very overdue curry on your return. Much love and respect as always. Duncan

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Have the best time you two! Keep smashing it – remember to drink water, stretch and sleep. Will be following the blog. Love you, Mousey xxxxxxx


  3. You are a legend. And still on my hero list of 4. Up there with Earnest Shackleton, Simon Weston and Eddie. But the only one I can call a friend. Inspiration to anyone who knows you 👍


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