Day 002 -Carlisle to Boustead Hill

Distance: 28.0 km (cumulative 51.5 km)

Steps: 37,693 (cumulative 71,207)

Ye Olde Theory of the Fourth Day

In Malayan folklore there is a wise old theory which goes a little like this:

When you make a dramatic change to your routine (for instance – walking all day, every day or starting a new job) the first few days will be difficult (we all know this!) but the wise man knows that:

The first day will be tough but enthusiasm drives you on

The second day will be more difficult because your mind and body will ache from yesterday

The third day will be even more difficult still because apart from the challenging regime you’ve set yourself, everything aches and perhaps enthusiasm may have started to wane (often people quit on the third day)

The fourth day, things get easier (though many people never find this out because they already got beaten by Day 3)

So, today has been a ‘third day’. Everything that was difficult was very difficult. My rucksack was unaccountably too heavy. I ran out of steam before we had even got half way. I ended up on my arse on some steep slippery wooden steps. Oh, and it rained. Torrential. Cats and dogs.

Today’s walk was challenging. The highs were mostly to do with animals.

With but an apple for breakfast, we left the accommodation and walked 2 km into the historic cathedral city of Carlisle.

Crossed the two channels of the River Esk via the new bridge (built in 1932). We descended time-worn steps to the park below and followed the south bank of the river west towards the sea.

Some fabulous old industrial architecture, then lunch in the lee of a busy ‘A’ road bridge.

There was the cat with the bright blue eyes and a dog called Shadow, who we met in the Greyhound pub at Burgh by Sands (which more accurately might be called Burgh by Mud)

We stayed here at the grand Hillside Bed & Breakfast, looked after by bowls champion Sandra, third generation occupant of this enormous brick built property. Sandra makes fabulous damson jam, thick-cut marmalade to rival Frank Cooper and made a donation in memory of Mary’s husband, who had Parkinson’s Disease. Thank you.

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