Day 26 – Rhuualt to Bodfari

Ditsnce: 16.4 km

Stepps: 28,992

I was away from the White House by 6:00 am. I had intended to stop for breakfast but the first member of staff to arrive advised me that chef needed all breakfast orders the preceding night. I didn’t fancy sticking around for the argument, so I hit the road

A casual glance at the map/guidebook shows the Offa’s Dyke Path crossing the busy A55 Rhuualt by pass and heading off south-east but that’s not right. The actual path goes east for 400 metres to cross the A55 via a high level footbridge. This is a bit of an uphill slog but saves dicing with death in the traffic. It is uphill all the way, plus a flight of steps to finally reach the bridge

Half a km on and I encountered my first clearly recognisable section of Offa‘s Dyke (at grid ref. 080746). Thought provoking. I wonder what will be left of this civilisation in 1,200 yeas. Perhaps railway embankments might be incorrectly identified as defensive structures ?

As I ascended the steep gradient to Moel Maenefa, I stopped to talk awhile with a lady coming the other way. She was surprised that I had no poles and offered me hers (as a gift) saying “You’re going to need them where you’re going!” How kind 🙂

There’s a particularly well sited bench at the top of this hill. Not only is it just in time to rest your legs after the ascent but it also provides a magnificent view back over Rhyl to the sea

There are a few more gentle undulations but for today at least, the path maintains an elevation of around 250 to 300 metres

That is of course until you descend down into Bodfari (elevation 32 metres) and give up all of that hard-won height

There are however consolations: This stream, on the way down, is inhabited by all manner of monstrous ceeatures. There’s a first class pub in Bodfari which does excellent food. And best of all, the Bodfari campsite, owned by a lovely lady called Jan, where you can get a hot shower and rest your weary legs. It’s a good idea to book ahead (07745 944102). Thanks for your contribution Jan 👍

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