I have restored the ’Comments’ and ’Donate’ features

So you can message me again and support Parkinsons (£££)

I’ve been so wrapped up in the walking that I had failed to notice the functionality of this blog site had deteriorated in two very important ways:

  1. The function that allows you, the reader to comment back, had disappeared from the options. Last evening I engaged the services of a marketing professional and we put that feature back.
  2. The ’Just Giving’ link had gone on the missing list. Several people have asked me how they can donate. I have restored the link via a simple URL and later today I’ll change that for one of those pretty WordPress ’buttons’

Well, both of these issues have now been resolved so you can donate your money to Parkinson’s UK through the blog site and tell me what you think of the show so far.

The Parkinsons UK donation facility will appear at the bottom of every future post and the place where you can message back to me is: ‘comment’, a menu option immediately below the post title line



5 thoughts on “DISTANCEOMETER – 236.8 km

  1. Great work graig keep up the good work, great photos and memories. Keep pushing

    Jimmy your boxing coach


  2. Love the commentary, Craig, I am sure it would all make an excellent blog in a newspaper. The Guardian would love it.



  3. Hi Duncan, how are you old mate? I’m keeping the lawn in trim but the stripes are no longer evident. You’re right about the weather, the only rain I have seen was one torrential downpour just west of Carlisle (followed by bright sunshine!). I’ll be in Preston on Monday 1st August. Molly will be with me that week. Thank you for your kind offer but we already have accommodation arranged in Corporation Street near the Fishergate Centre? Did you see that photo I took for you of Duncan Square in Whitehaven?
    Good to hear from you. Craig


  4. Hi Craig,
    I can’t believe you’ve walked so far in the north west without it pouring down! Let me know when you’re approaching Preston as my family all live about five miles south west of Preston in the Longton area and I can always ask my mother if you need somewhere to stay.

    Best wishes,



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